Introducing Mezzanine Floors


Mezzanine Floors are semi permanent structures which when built within an existing building create a new floor level between the existing floor and roof. They are a particularly economical way of creating additional space within an existing building. If you need to expand your business and the costs of relocating or extending your premises seem prohibitive a mezzanine floor could be the answer by doubling the available floor space.

Mezzanines can have many applications they can be used for storage (Raised storage platforms), plant support structures, working areas, manufacturing areas, office areas and retail areas. There is no limit to the versatility of mezzanine systems and it is a very cost effective way of potentially doubling your usable floor space.

Mezzanine floors aren’t only a cost effective solution for expansion but can also be a great way to consolidate a business into smaller and more cost effective premises by making full use of the available space. If you currently operate out of two sites why not look in to the feasibility of bringing the two operations together into one with the introduction of a mezzanine floor to give the additional required floor space.

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