Cone Season Begins! Construction Season Set to Begin This Month on Numerous Major Projects | Rapid City South Dakota –





**11 major projects totaling $25 million

set to start or continue in coming weeks;

**Another nearly three dozen projects

will address roads, streets, housing construction

RAPID CITY, SD—It’s March and that means drivers will see a little more color in their daily travels around the community.  Color – in terms of orange cones, yellow vests and white hard hats – will be popping up in several areas as numerous construction projects get underway.

      Construction season in Rapid City begins in earnest later this week and next week. Nearly 50 projects are scheduled to begin, continue work from last year, or go to bid for construction over the next few weeks. Projects will involve major infrastructure improvements, roads and streets construction or street rehabilitation, and construction of home subdivisions, according to City officials.

      “As the calendar flips to March and the spring weather pushes towards warmer temperatures, it’s time to get moving on construction projects,” said City Engineering Project Manager Roger Hall.  “We have several major, important projects getting underway as we approach mid-March.  Drivers need to stay alert and use caution in construction areas and allow extra time to get to their destinations if it means going through areas under construction.”

      City officials indicate more than a dozen projects worth more than $25 million will get underway in the community in the next two weeks. 

Among the projects:

**ELK VALE FORCE MAIN PROJECT: This extensive $7 million project will move the sewage from a lift station on Seger Drive over the hill on Elk Vale to a gravity sewer being constructed from Homestead to the north.  The project includes installation of two 16-inch mains up the hill, and a 24-inch gravity sewer down the hill.  Included in the project is a major upgrade to the Seger Drive sewer lift station. The project started in the fall of 2021 and is scheduled to be completed by December 2.  Mainline Contracting of Rapid City is the prime contractor.   

**TWELFTH STREET RECONSTRUCTION: This multi-phase, multi-year project continues and is part of the project that is extending the storm sewer from West Main Street south to Fulton Street.  All the work in West Main and St. Joseph Street near Halley Park was completed in 2021.  This year’s portion of the $6.5 million project will continue south on Twelfth Street from Kansas City Street to Fulton Street. The reconstruction is focused on the storm sewer installation and also includes full reconstruction of the street with water, sewer and utility work. Simon Contractors of South Dakota is the prime contractor. Work will begin on March 14 and scheduled to finish October 31.

**ST. CLOUD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT:  The $4.2 million project will reconstruct St. Cloud Street from Fifth Street to the Star Village area.  The roadway will be closed to all traffic.  The construction will include installation of a major retaining wall, a new larger water main and the complete reconstruction of St. Cloud Street.  A new street to the south of St. Cloud Street named St. Paul Street will be constructed to improve the access for the residents below the retaining wall. RCS Construction of Rapid City is the contractor on the project, which is scheduled to begin next Monday (March 14) and conclude November 4.

**DEADWOOD AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION: This $2.8 million project will include new sanitary sewer and wider roadway from Deadwood Avenue in the area of Butler Machinery north to past Heavy Constructors.  Heavy Constructors of Rapid City is the prime contractor and the completion date is November 30, 2021.

**EAST MAIN STREET BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION: This $1.4 million project includes rebuilding the bridge deck.  The last major work on the bridge was in 1963.  This bridge is on East Main Street and is primarily used by residents to access the Central States Fairgrounds.  Heavy Constructors started the work on January 3 and is currently on schedule for a July 22 completion.

**CREEK DRIVE PROJECT:  This $530,000 project is scheduled to begin this Friday and conclude by July 9 and will include reconstruction of the roadway and fixing road features on St. Patrick Street south of Creek Drive.  Western Construction of Rapid City is the prime contractor.

**LOCUST AND IVY REHABILITATION PROJECT:  This $830,000 pavement rehabilitation project will include milling, rehabilitation, and repaving.  The project includes Ivy Avenue from Fairmont Boulevard to East Centennial Street and Locust Street from Fairmont Boulevard to Sycamore Street.  Simon Contractors is the prime contractor and it is scheduled to begin later this month and be completed by September 2. 

**FIFTH STREET PANEL REPAIR PROJECT:  This $916,000 project will repair broken concrete panels in the area of Fifth Street and Stumer Road.  The project is scheduled from April 1 to July 29 with TruForm Construction of Black Hawk as the prime contractor.  This project will have a major traffic impact with traffic reduced to one lane north and south along with turning impacts. 

**LACROSSE STREET BRIDGE PROJECT: The City is working with the State Department of Transportation (DOT) on continuation of this project, which will implement a new diverging diamond interchange at the Lacrosse Street bridge at Interstate 90.  The City completed most of the water and sewer line improvements last year and have a few connections to complete this year. Complete Concrete of Rapid City is the prime contractor and the completion of the major work will be later this year. The overall completion is June 6, 2023.

**OMAHA STREET RECONSTRUCTION:  Work on this multi-phase, multi-year State DOT project is slated to be completed by May 27.  The City is in the final stages of water and sewer line work as part of the state project.  Heavy Constructors is the prime contractor

**ST. PATRICK STREET AND HIGHWAY 44 BOX CULVERT PROJECT:  This project will close St. Patrick Street at Highway 44 for the installation of a large precast box culvert to serve the major upstream drainage area.  The $555,000 project will begin next Monday, March 14 and is scheduled for completion by Memorial Day. Precision Grading of Mitchell is the Prime Contractor.
