‘Catastrophic’ drop in construction work – Alice Springs News Online



Sir – The Territory has suffered a catastrophic 74% drop in the volume of civil / engineering construction work, according to ABS figures released on June 26.

It’s the largest reduction in activity of any State or Territory.

I agree with the Master Builders Association of Australia when they said infrastructure work gives a great bang for its buck.

As well as providing visible, confidence-building work in the immediate term, it also expands the economy’s capacity, flexibility and liveability for decades to come.

Action is needed now to address the Territory’s economic crisis. It is clear that there is no confidence in the private sector, as private investment in the NT is at historic lows.

Government-run stimulus programs were slated in the Langoulant Review as ‘unsustainable’ so it is time for the Gunner Labor Government to look at alternatives.

During Estimates, the Opposition uncovered that the Gunner Labor Government paid a WA company $139,185 for a report called Alternative Approaches to Funding and Financing Infrastructure.

The Opposition have asked the Chief Minister to table this report in Parliament and he refused.

We now call again on the Chief Minister to make this report public. What is he hiding?

We need to create a climate that encourages private sector investment.

Opposition Leader Gary Higgins (pictured).

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